About the show
Sustain brings together practitioners, sustainers, funders, researchers and maintainers of the open source ecosystem. We have conversations about the health and sustainability of the open source community. We learn about the ins and outs of what ‘open source’ entails in the real world. Open source means so much more than a license; we're interested in talking about how to make sure that the culture of open source continues, grows, and ultimately, sustains itself.
Sustain on social media
Episode 60: Erik Rasmussen on the hard work of maintaining, marketing, and funding open source libraries
November 6th, 2020 | 30 mins 38 secs
Episode 59: Jenn Schiffer on Satire, Coding, Why Teaching OSS Is Super Important
November 3rd, 2020 | 39 mins 13 secs
Episode 58: Joel Wasserman on Flossbank and Sustainably Giving Back to Dependencies
October 16th, 2020 | 33 mins 20 secs
Our special guest today is Joel Wasserman, an Engineer at Google and Founder of Flossbank. If you’ve never heard of Flossbank, this is the episode you want to listen to. We learn all about what it is, how the method works, what makes it different from other donation models out there, and how signing up and donating works. We also find out if Joel has advertisers lined up and what the current state of Flossbank is since they are still working on the system.
Episode 57: Mikeal Rogers on Building Communities, the Early Days of Node.js, and How to Stay a Coder for Life
October 9th, 2020 | 38 mins 46 secs
Mikeal talks about Protocol Labs and his job as the IPLD Lead (InterPlanetary Linked Data). We will find out what happened when io.js forked with Node.js, if there is a difference between the Project Manager and Developer Role, and Mikeal’s interests in design libraries, and building a community and ecosystem from scratch and how they interrelate.
Episode 56: Dominic Tarr on Coding What You Want, Living On A Boat, and the Early Days of Node.js
October 2nd, 2020 | 28 mins 1 sec
Dominic Tarr, an open source sailor hacker person, joins us from his boat in New Zealand. He’s been instrumental in the early JavaScript scene. Dominic tells us how he got into open source, coding, and how he got involved in JavaScript and Event Stream. We also learn about what Dominic is doing now and how he envisions open source going forward.
Episode 55: André Staltz on Open Source Going to Zero and Developing Below The Poverty Line
September 25th, 2020 | 35 mins 36 secs
Our special guest today is André Staltz, a self-employed JavaScript wizard from Helsinki, Finland. He’s done a lot of interesting open source work and has been really instrumental in how open source funds individual developers. He tells us about his consulting job and about the great blog post he wrote. We will talk about the cost of software going to zero and what this means. Also, André tells us what he hopes to see in the future for open source. Download this episode now to find out all this and much more!
Episode 54: Danese Cooper on the History of Open Source, InnerSource, and What's Next
September 18th, 2020 | 42 mins 33 secs
Danese Cooper joins us to talk about her work at NearForm, the creation if InnerSource Commons, what she did at PayPal, and why Open Source has won.
Episode 53: What the Fork? Shurui Zou on Forking in Open Source
September 11th, 2020 | 32 mins 48 secs
Hello and welcome to Sustain! On today’s episode, we have special guest, Shurui Zhou, who is going to be teaching soon at University of Toronto in the Fall, and she’s been working on Forks on GitHub. Our topic today is Social vs. Hard Forks. We will learn all about the difference between the Social and Hard forks, Shurui’s GitHub Bot she wrote, and her paper she wrote on “Identifying Features in Forks.” Also, Jenkins, previously known as Hudson, an open source continuous integration tool, is explained and why it is such a success story in terms of hard forks. Download this episode now!
Episode 52: Being Willing to be Open: Twenty Years of Coding at Red Hat, with Tom "Spot" Callaway
September 4th, 2020 | 45 mins 19 secs
Spot shares stories from the trenches of Red Hat, from the early days when everyone fit into a room to today. A fantastic look at power plays and open source ideology in practice.
Episode 51: Working in Public: Nadia Eghbal and her new book about Making and Sustaining Open Source Software
August 28th, 2020 | 43 mins 49 secs
author, floss, open source
Nadia Eghbal, author of the seminal work Roads and Bridges, came on to talk to us about her new book, Working in Public.
Episode 50: Gitcoin, Quadratic Funding, and how Crypto can sustain Open Source
August 21st, 2020 | 42 mins 4 secs
crypto, ethereum, gitcoin, open source
Episode 49: What OpenUK Does with Amanda Brock & Andrew Katz
August 14th, 2020 | 50 mins 44 secs