Justin Dorfman is Sourcegraph's Open Source Program Manager and is responsible for fostering the adoption of universal code search in the open source community. Previously, he led similar initiatives for Curiefense (a CNCF project), Gitcoin, & MaxCDN.
Justin has contributed to Bootstrap, Font Awesome, jQuery, Nginx, GNU Bash, Zsh, and many more. He also serves on the Selection Committee for Mozilla's Open Source Support (MOSS) program, as well as the Open Source Collective's board of directors. In 2017, he co-founded SustainOSS, which hosts events and podcasts for Open Source Software Sustainers.
Justin Dorfman has hosted 98 Episodes.
Episode 18: How The Python Software Foundation Works with Ewa Jodlowska
December 13th, 2019 | 39 mins 52 secs
Ewa Jodlowska is the Executive Director of the Python Software Foundation (PSF). She talks about how she got started in open source, keeping the Python culture going, challenges the PSF is dealing with, PyCon, PSF sponsorship program, the BDFL stepping down, starting workgroups, funding requests/availability, addressing diversity at PSF, and membership levels.
Episode 17: How Formidable Supports Open Source With Lorenzo Sciandra
December 4th, 2019 | 43 mins 46 secs